Private Notary Services
Private Notary Services in Abu Dhabi
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+971 52 843 1576
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+971 52 843 1576
General Power of Attorney
- Description : General Power of Attorney
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Special Power of Attorney
- Description : Special Power of Attorney for Litigation - Collection of Receivables - Vehicle Transaction Processing - Trade License - Shares - Real Estate - Stocks - Signature Authorization
- Government Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Service Agent Contracts and Their Appendices
- Contract Classification : Contract or Document with Known Value
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Mortgage Contracts / Commercial Pledge / Pledge of Movables
- Contract Classification : Contract or Document with a Value Not Exceeding 50K Dirhams
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Contracts for the Sale of Shares and Boats
- Contract Classification : Contract or Document with a Value Exceeding 50K Dirhams but Not Exceeding 200K Dirhams.
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Settlement Contracts, Settlement Agreements, Coalition Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding, and Undertakings
- Contract Classification : Contract or Document with a Value Exceeding 200K Dirhams.
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Employment Contracts for Domestic Workers
Declaration of Monthly Income / No Objection to Travel / Ownership Declaration / Receipt / Waiver
- Contract Classification by Value : Contract or Document of Unknown Value
- Contract Classification by Value : Contract or Document Not Exceeding AED 50,000
- Contract Classification by Value : Contract or Document Exceeding AED 50,000 but Not Exceeding AED 200,000
- Contract Classification by Value : Contract or Document Exceeding AED 100,000
- Government Fees : As per the prescribed fee
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Relocation During Official Working Hours in Abu Dhabi City
- Contract Classificatio : Relocation During Official Working Hours in Abu Dhabi City
- Government Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Relocation in Areas Abu Dhabi Capital (Abu Dhabi Suburbs)
- Contract Classification : Relocation in Areas Affiliated with Abu Dhabi Capital
- Government Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Relocation to Multiple Locations for Attesting the Same Transaction
- Contract Classification : Relocation to Multiple Locations for Attesting the Same Transaction
- Government Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Attestations from Official Authorities (Ministry of Justice – Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Embassies)
- Contract Classification : Attestations from Official Authorities (Ministry of Justice – Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Embassies)
- Government Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Private Notary/Service Fees : Based on the type of transaction
- Tax : 5%
Guiding You Through Legal Complexities
We understand that dealing with legal matters can be challenging. Our dedicated team of experienced attorneys is here to provide you with clear, expert guidance every step of the way.
Head Office
- Abu Dhabi | Office M1 - M Floor - Tower 11 - Al Nahyan - Al Mamurah - Al Bathniyyah St.
- +971 52 843 1576
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